Sunday, December 16, 2018

Finishing Tapes on Horizontal Stabilizers

After completing the top and bottom fabric attachment on the horizontal stabilizers, next up is to attach 2" tapes over the metal support areas to strengthen the areas due to possible rubbing.  The center of the supports were identified and then a 2-1/8" band was drawn centered on the metal supports.  Three coats of the 2:1 thinned U500 adhesive was brushed on the stabilizers making sure we stayed within the drawn lines.  Once the adhesive was allowed to dry, the tapes were added.  The tapes were first attached with adhesive in the center and then worked outward from there toward each end.  Both the top and bottom surfaces were done this way.  Where tapes would overlap, we considered how the air would be passing over the surface and overlapped the areas such that the air stream would not peal up an area.  Hours: 3

Laying out Glue areas in Pencil

Working on Finishing Tapes

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