Saturday, September 2, 2023

First Flight!

 After bringing the airplane kit home with us in May 2014, it been a very exciting 9+ years of building.

At approximately 7:54AM, September 1st, our airplane project graduated from a land based "project" to a fully functional flying airplane.  Ed was at the controls of the first flight.  We elected to try a task based flight program to satisfy our Phase 1 flight testing.  We are using the EAA Flight Test Manual and Test Cards to fully wring out out plane.  Ed flew for close to an hour before returning to earth.  We performed a full aircraft inspection and found no anomalies.  The next day, Michael flew for close to an hour as well.  We were testing basic functions including the flap functionality.  No stalls yet, but we did approach stalls at all the various flap positions.

First Flight with Ed at the Controls

Ed with a Highlander Grin

Second Flight with Michael at the Controls

Michael with his Highlander Grin