Sunday, March 1, 2020

Bottom fuselage fabric

This past week, we made good progress on covering the lower fuselage.  We applied multiple coats of glue to the tubing at the bottom of the fuselage, then cut a long piece of fabric.  We tacked the fabric to the edges of the fuselage, and then cut the fabric out so that we would have at least 1" extra fabric around all the edges (as required).  We then wrapped it and glued it to the tubing by applying a thinned coat of glue as usual.

Once all the perimeter was glued, we used irons to get out any kinks and wrinkles around the perimeter.  Then, we shrunk the fabric in 3 stages to tighten it like a drum.  Pretty happy with how it came out.  Hours: 7.5

fabric draped over bottom of fuselage
Michael peeking through the future landing gear opening
Ed shrinking fabric

Fabric on lower fuselage glued down and shrunk

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