Saturday, February 6, 2021

Painted Rudder and Horizontal Stabilizers

The top of the rudder was masked off (this section will be painted orange later), and then we painted the rudder and both horizontal stabilizers. Had one minor paint run which was trivial to sand off, and had some overspray which took a bit of effort to buff/polish away.  Next time, we will mask off the back side when spraying the front side to eliminate this overspray, which is a recommendation we got from another builder.   This masking will take some extra time, and another downside of this method is that we will get ridges at the tape lines, but these should be easier to buff off then the overspray because there will be much less surface area to cover.We are still getting some dust in the paint which is a bit disappointing, but at least there is much less dust now then when we started.  
Ed masking off the top of the rudder
Horizontal Stabilizers painted

After painting these parts, we cleaned out the paint room thoroughly to try to reduce the dust.  We will also change the filters before the next painting session.

Next we prep'd the ailerons for paint.  These will also have orange at one end, so we masked off the ends as we will be painting white first.  We could have just painted the entire thing white and then layered orange over the white... but that adds more weight which isn't needed, so we decided to save a few ounces by masking off the areas that will be painted orange. Hours: 9

Ailerons masked off and ready for paint

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