Monday, March 8, 2021

Elevators, Ailerons, & Rudder with some Orange Paint

We masked off a section of  the elevators, rudder, and ailerons so that we could paint the ends orange.  We first sprayed the ailerons, and once dried, we did a little sanding and buffing to take care of some dust nibs that always seem to find their way in the paint.  In the final paint job, we will have a 1" black stripe on the border between the white and orange.  We will likely do this in vinyl, but on sections of the plane with curved lines, we may paint them black if the vinyl tape doesn't conform nicely to the curves.

Ailerons with a nice coat of orange

Then we moved on to the elevators and rudder and shot them with some orange.  We will inspect and sand/buff as necessary to take care of dust or any other defects we find.  Hours: 8

Rudder and elevators with a coat of orange

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