Sunday, December 19, 2021

Misc parts, priming & painting

 Previously, I had mentioned that we had some difficulty with some sort of contamination that was causing fish-eye (small crater) blemishes in the primer.  This happened while priming the aluminum front kick-panels, the baggage door, and the lower rear cover plate.  We took several additional steps to ensure everything was super clean, and that the paint and air were well filtered before spraying.  However, the problem did not go away.  We now suspect that the problem is with the metal primer itself, especially since we didn't have any of these issues when shooting the fabric primer, or the topcoats.

Small crater blemishes in the primer (streaks are just water marks after wiping the part)

After a few coats of primer and too much additional sanding, we now have parts that are ready for paint, but this was a frustrating experience.  I think we'll change to a different metal primer for remaining metal parts that are not yet primed (such as the turtledeck).

We then decided to paint the front gear leg, front fork, and rear aluminum cover plate, as these parts will be all orange.  The parts were prepped, cleaned, and hung.  We sprayed a coat of orange... and as expected, we did not have contamination issues like we experienced with the metal primer.  We then sanded/scuffed the parts to prepare them for a second coat.  Hours: 12

First coat of orange on some additional parts

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