Friday, October 28, 2022

Wiring Debug

We completed some final wiring to a few of the Garmin components and now have most of the wiring complete.  We are going through some checks, debug, and system configuration to make sure everything works before doing any final bundling of the wires.  

We ran into a few issues, but no major roadblocks thus far.  Initially, the Garmin G3x system did not see the transponder, but we found that the wiring of two serial ports simply needed to be swapped which fixed the issue.  We also ran into a problem where our engine monitor was not seeing both lanes of traffic from our engine computer (It only reported data from lane B, and nothing from Lane A).  We found that two of  the CANBus lines in one of the Rotax HIC connector needed to be swapped.  This was a little trickier to find, but once we swapped the lines, our engine monitor started seeing data from both lanes of our computer.  Also, one of the Lane LED warning lights was not working, but this was a minor wiring fix.  We have some additional checks to go through, but we are feeling pretty good now that all the major flight instruments are powering up and seem to be functioning.    Hours: 22

Friday, October 21, 2022

Even more wiring

 We continue to plow through the wiring work, making excellent progress connecting up all the Garmin pieces.   Much of the wiring is now complete on the GTR200 Com radio, GDU 460 display, GMC305 autopilot, autopilot servos, GEA24 engine monitor, GPS 20A, and backup G5 attitude display.  Most recently, Michael installed the G5 LPM (lightning protection module), and has also been building up the antenna cables.  I've started to wire up the GTX 45R transponder.  Once we get all the basic wiring done, we'll bundle all the wires and cables and clean up the installation.  Hours: 24

Power applied to panel instruments. No Smoke!

Wiring progress in front

Wiring work in back also underway

Thursday, October 13, 2022

More wiring

We continue to work on the wiring.  Most switches are wired up. Michael is currently focused on the Garmin CANBUS wiring to multiple devices, including the Garmin G3x Touch, GEA24 Engine Mgmt System, G5 Display, and GTR200B COM radio.  I've been working on the trim, Garmin GMC305 autopilot, and pitch/roll servo wiring.  We are making good progress, although it's difficult to show with pictures.  Wiring work will look messy until we are closer to completion and can bundle the wiring appropriately.  Hours: 22

Wiring work continues