Sunday, April 9, 2023

Misc Parts Painting

The painting continues.  The main struts were previously painted, but we found the coat was light in a few places with gray showing through along the leading edge of the struts, so another coat was applied to both struts. 

Another coat of white on the main struts

The flap-gap seals are long aluminum strips that cover the gap between the wing and the flaps.  These were painted vestal white to match the wings.  There were some imperfections after painting, so these were then sanded with 2000 and 3000 grit, and buffed.

Setup for painting the flap-gap seals

A couple of front windshield angle brackets were painted, along with the pitot tube fairing.
Pitot tube fairing and windshield brackets painted white

We also hung and painted the oil door and a couple of inspection cover plates.  We plan on lightly sanding and buffing the oil door so it will be smooth and shiny to match the cowling.  Hours: 18
Oil door and cover plates painted

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