Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Windshield and Sunroof

Made good progress on the windshield installation.  Holes were drilled (and deburred) in the boot cowl, the windshield brackets (top and sides), the cap strip, and the acrylic windshield itself.  Special drill bits were used to drill the plastic to prevent damage to the windshield. The windshield edges were also trimmed and sanded smooth, and temporarily attached with clecos.   We're very happy with the fit. 

Ed drilling lower holes in the windshield

Michael sanding edges of windscreen

The sunroof is a separate piece of plastic which is more flexible than the windshield.  The sunroof shape was roughly cut out of a 4x8 sheet of Lexan, then clamped in place on top of the fuselage with 1/8" spacing from the windshield along the front.  Holes were drilled for screws along the front (match drilled to existing holes in the windshield bracket).  Then holes marked and drilled along the sides and back for rivets.  

Made a stupid mistake by drilling a hole in the wrong place when our hole-duplicator tool was accidentally aligned with an existing rivet instead of a hole in the bracket.  This resulted in an unwanted hole along the back edge of the sunroof.  We thought about the best way to recover, and decided to just make a new sunroof because we had extra Lexan material.  The second one came out perfect.  Clecos were installed to hold it all in place after the holes were drilled and deburred.  We marked the edges and began trimming the excess material around the perimeter of the sunroof, but still have a little work to do to get all the edges trimmed nicely.  Hours: 20

Sunroof installation in progress

Front bracket with holes drilled for sunroof and windshield

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